Iron Bison Strength Company


Stand-Alone Programs

If you are looking for some direction in your training, but have neither money
nor desire to work 1:1 with a coach, these training programs are for you. As with everything that do, training is simplified to the necessities. These programs will have you executing fundamental movements in a format that will allow you to progress without being bogged down with excess complexity.

Remember: simple doesn't mean easy. Each of these programs has been proven to work well for IBSC athletes in the past. With the appropriate effort, we are confident that you will see results as well.

Group Training Memberships

Operation Silverback Guerilla

If you are interested in a high-value middle ground between a stand-alone programs and fully immersive 1:1 coaching... Operation Silverback Guerilla is for you. Each week, new workouts will be released to members.

This program will evolve as time goes on. With training blocks focusing on strength, hypertrophy, power, conditioning, etc. Additionally, all members will be a part of a group of like-minded people who can hold you accountable and share in your wins. I will be personally active in this group to answer questions and provide feedback. As far as bang-for-our-buck goes? This is the option for you.

One-On-One Coaching

If you want a coach to work with you individually to devise a program and strategy for your specific goals… this is it. Every 1:1 client gets an initial consultation call where we discuss training history, current goals, lifestyle factors, etc. From there we will devise a plan to help you achieve the physical progress that you want. Each client will recieve an individualized program (specific to you, no cookie-cutter nonsense here), and adjustments as often as necessary. We will also have weekly check-in calls to keep updated on progress, maintain accountability, and implement any necessary adjustments.

This is available to anyone of any level of fitness, though it will require the most commitment and intentionality of the three options.

  • Having trouble deciding which option is best for you? No worries, drop us a line and we'll help you come to a decison that best suits your needs goals.